about me

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welcome to my web site!


 my name is jim and i am slowly getting closer to my senior years.  i have always loved gazing at the stars, mystified by the  sights above and hooked on astronomy in general.  i finally took the plunge into amateur astronomy about a year ago, (10/04)and my only regret is that i did not start sooner.  i am a hands on guy with the goal of getting the most out of whatever i do.  while i believe you get what you pay for, i equally believe that if someone is willing to invest a little effort up front, many times you can achieve more with less.  i decided to start this site after visiting more than 300 amateur astronomy web sites.  what i did not find is a site for the true beginner like me.  the other problem i found is that most of them are loaded down with pop-up ads and pages of advertising.  while you will find some suppliers being talked about on my site, it is because they have earned my respect and business through great performance.  the same holds true with my favorite link page, if they did not earn it they are not listed.   i do not receive any vendor or supplier sponsorship, and that’s why i can give it to you straight.   

i hope my experiences in amateur astronomy are helpful to you and i hope that you will share your experiences with me through this site.  i will try to post quickly “lessons learned” and photos i receive that are related to amateur astronomy to this site.(your name will be included).

  i look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the sights above site,,,,


please feel free to send your questions or comment on this site using the feedback page.

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web master information page - copyright © 2005 james eaton - site email address is sightsabove@sightsabove.com

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this site was last updated 05/11/2008