jan-june  2006 log


main menuup 2005  log jan-june  2006 log jul to dec  2006 log

2006 observation notes for sights above

 date observations
01-1-06 to 1-11-2006 skies conditions have been very poor for the first 11 days of january , hope second half of january brings better conditions.  
 01//2006 &


saturn is back and have been learning to image deep space objects.  time, new job and poor seeing conditions have been preventing much observing.  we have been able to get some new images of saturn m42 and a few other objects despite the lack of good seeing. 
 01//2006 &


have had good results with saturn and have captured my best images to date. got a few excellent seeing moments and i am learning that if you are lucky enough to be imaging during these conditions the results are grand. i have been getting use to my new sbig st402me ccd imager and it has added alot to the overall quality of my images.
03-1-06 to 4-15-2006 skies conditions have been very poor for the past 45 days , hope second half of april brings better conditions.   did get in a few great shots of saturn but that is about it.  saturn images can be seen in the gallery.
 4-15 to 4-30-06 conditions still very poor.  got one fair night and captured a nice shot of m5. entered it into the njns image contest. 
  5-1 to 5-31-06 rain and clouds every day. flooding in many parts of the ne.  weather not due to improve till after 5-20-2006.   conditions never improved.  no observing or imaging all month.  very disappointing.
  6-1 to 6-30-06 clouds every day. weather not due to improve till after 6-30-2006.   conditions never improved.  no observing or imaging all month.  very disappointing.

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sights above's observing log - copyright © 2005 james eaton - site email address is sightsabove@sightsabove.com

main menuup 2005  log jan-june  2006 log jul to dec  2006 log

his site was last updated 05/11/2008