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our solar system


solar system scale image
"image credit = nasa.gov "

complete the crossword. click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. fill in your answer, click on "enter" to put your answer into the crossword puzzle. when complete click on "check" to check your answers. if you are stuck, you can click on "hint" to get a free letter. click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1       2              
              8       9  


1. known for it's beautiful rings
3. our planet
5. next to pluto, also known as the blue planet
7. known for it's great red spot and is our largest planet
8. red planet
10. the smallest planet


2. this planetis the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest (by diameter).
4. closest planet to the sun
6. was often considered a "twin sister" to the earth
8. we first landed there on july 20, 1969 (apollo 11)
9. cloest star to earth


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our solar system crossword puzzle page - copyright © 2005 james eaton - site email address is sightsabove@sightsabove.com

(crossword puzzle produced using hotpotatoes: jcross version 6.0 by halfbaked software inc. license registered to james r eaton)


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this site was last updated 05/11/2008